Nick's Plainsong Reflection

This summer with Plainsong Farm and Ministry was a gift to me in so many wonderful ways. As I lived my internship I experienced a way of being that something deep in me had been looking for. This way is one of theologically grounded, intimate connection to place. The intimacy of my encounter with God deepened as God extended God’s love to me through farm-fresh zucchini, gatherings held in the shade of a box elder tree, the prayerful company of an apple orchard and the stillness in which God loves to live. This way is one in which people work together toward compassion and justice, nurturing each other and all our neighbors toward health and wholeness and joy and belonging. This way taught me forms of ministry that were refreshingly embodied and holistic. And this way held me in grace more deeply than I could’ve previously imagined. 

Plainsong Farm and Ministry is cultivating a way of being in this world that has given me invaluable insights into the nature of ministry in this moment our world faces—a way of awakening to the beautiful reality of our fundamental connectedness in Love, which can heal the alienation from which all creation suffers. As I joined in this mission of Plainsong’s, I was nourished at every turn by the work I was given to do, by the gift of truly wonderful people to accompany and guide me in that work and by fresh vegetables given by generous soil and tender human care. I hope in my ministry to extend that kind of nourishment to all those whose communion I share, human and more-than-human. I was given a wealth of experience here that will help me to do just that. I couldn’t be more thankful for the gift that this place and these people were to me.

PC: Karina Sieber