For Field Trip Leaders

Field Trips

Through hands-on activities, understand the connections between natural, agricultural, and social ecosystems and the teachings of Scripture. Discover the way food connects to nature, how food choices impact the earth, and why God calls us to be good stewards of land and water resources throughout the changing seasons.

*Faith content is optional for public school groups.

Book a Field Trip

Plan Your Field Trip

Your group’s experience will depend on the season and weather.  Experiences may include:

- Farm Work: transplanting seedlings, tending and harvesting crops 
- Conservation Activities: Planting and caring for native species
- Interactive Prayer Walk
- Group Reflection
- Bonfire

Field Trip Details

How many students/youth can you accommodate?                               
We can accommodate up to 30 young people at a time with a 1-10 adult to student ratio in order for each student to have a meaningful hands-on experience.

What is the cost?
The cost of a field trip is $10 per person, based on a 90 minute program. There is no minimum group size.  We never want cost to be an impediment to experiencing the farm. Please email to inquire about other options.

I'd like to learn more!
Click below to read about program details, options, and plans.

Field Trips FAQ

Upcoming Events for Field Trip Leaders

Check back soon for upcoming events.