At the farm, volunteers and staff grow food and learn with the land through hands-on experiences.
We use regenerative farming practices to grow fresh produce and donate it to North Kent Connect, Grand Rapids Community College and the Grand Rapids Community Food Club.
These organizations work to increase equity and resilience in the West Michigan food system. We work with our food access partners to grow culturally diverse produce that meets their clients needs. Every year we reevaluate our crop plan based on input from our partners.
Other food grown on the farm is distributed through our small CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) weekly vegetable share as well as an on-site farm stand. Additionally, a portion of Plainsong's property is leased to New City Neighbors for their social enterprise farm.
Nourish Your Neighbors engages community volunteers to help maintain the farm fields and property. Volunteers learn about regenerative agriculture and conservation practices and how they help us grow higher quality produce. Plainsong Farm equips volunteers to be informed citizens for policy, systems and environmental change.
As disciples of Jesus, our work is motivated by the recognition that this world is a sacred creation. We offer opportunities for your spiritual growth and discovery on the beautiful farm property. Our Sabbath at the Farm seasonal worship series, half-day retreats for individuals and small groups, service/learning visits for youth and our residential young adult program combine to cultivate a renewed Christianity integrating care for the earth.
Plainsong is recognized by Heart of West Michigan United Way for providing good food through community partner North Kent Connect.
Weekly Sabbath at the Farm quickly grows a community of all ages and backgrounds who appreciate seasonal outdoor opportunities to connect with God and one another.
We begin donating produce to Grand Rapids Community College’s Student Food Pantry.
Plainsong launches our farm volunteer program, enabling people of all ages to grow together, both in groups and as individuals.
Plainsong pauses CSA and begins Nourish Your Neighbors, growing produce for donation to North Kent Connect, the Community Food Club and the GRCC Student Food Pantry with the support of community volunteers.
Plainsong partners with New City Neighbors and leases them growing space.