Community at the Farm


Have you wished you could participate in Plainsong’s Young Adult Program but are no longer a young adult or don’t have the ability to commit to living on the farm for nine months? Well now you can, through our Companions Fellowship! You can join the young adult fellows twice a month on Wednesday nights, February through May, to share a meal and conversation, reflect on Christian scripture and readings, and engage with a hands-on activity.

Along with monthly formation gatherings, Companions will participate in opening blessing and closing retreats and volunteer at least 10 hours at the farm. If you long for rich conversation, time to get your hands in the soil, and intentional spiritual rhythms, the Companions Program is for you. If you have questions about the program, please contact Emily Ulmer, at or sign up here.

Farm Workshops

Sustainable home economics is one of the many life-giving rhythms important to us at Plainsong Farm.   In 2025 you are invited to learn alongside us ways to bring the earth and/or the harvest into your home, whether that be for the kitchen, for beauty and body care, or as art and play.  Join us monthly and learn practices to ground you in hope.

Workshops will be led by Plainsong staff and community members and will include topics such as Garden Starting, Herbs -Teas and Salve Making, Tomatoes - From Pruning to Preserving, and Bouquet Making.

Dates/Times:  Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm May 21, June 25, July 23, Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22
Cost: Prices will vary depending on the workshop. We are committed to making these accessible regardless of ability to pay.

See below to learn more and register for specific workshops.

Upcoming Events for Community